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Credit Hour Calculator

Credit Calculators

Credit Calculator:

In today’s article, we are to discuss various types of credit hour calculator utilised by different educational purposes in USA. So, without further intro, let’s dive into the topic.


Credit Calculator

College Credit Hour Calculator

Credit hours, a confusing phrase, isn’t it? We come across such expressions when we go through our college life. Basically, credit hours is that number of hours which a student spend in classroom each week. 1 credit hour equalize to 15-16 hours of lectureship.

Credit Calculator

The credit hours in college are calculated on the whole semester, which equals to sixteen weeks. One will be attending the minimum of 45-48 hours of class in one full semester. The average is about 3 hours of classroom every week for the 16 weeks. Therefore, what we calculated is 1 class = 3 credit hours. This is the way how college credit hour is calculated.

Course Credit Hour Calculator

Let us first know, what is course credit, it is actually an unit that provides weighting to the value, level, or the required time for the prescribed academic course in college or any other educational institutes.

Credit Calculator

Every credit hour represents to at least 3 hours of student involvement per week for the 14 /16 week course or 6 hours every week for a 7 – week course. The time is utilised for discussions, interpretation, understanding, lectures, research and any such of the same kind.

Credit Hour GPA Calculator

The GPA or which is known as the Grade Point Average is easily calculated by simply dividing the whole amount of grade points earned by the total allotted credit hours attempted. The GPA or grade point average will be ranging from 0.0 to 4.0.

Credit Calculator

For e.g., grade A → 4.00 points, grade A- → 3.70 points, grade B+→ 3.33 points, grade B → 3.00 points, grade B-→ 2.70 points, grade C+ →2.30 points, grade C → 2.00 points, grade C-→ 1.70 points, grade D+→ 1.30 points, grade D → 1.00 points, grade D-→ 0.70 points, WF/F → 0 points. Pass / Not Pass courses are not in the student’s GPA.

Incompletes and Withdrawals never get grade points and thus do not have any effect on GPA. Thus, to calculate credit hour GPA, we need to give the course, credit hour and grade in the calculator, we will then receive the GPA.

Credit Hour Cost Calculator

Cost per credit hour is that amount which is charged as tuition fees for every credit the course awards after the end of that course. To calculate the credit hour cost, we just need to multiply the cost per credit hour with the total number of credit in that course.

Credit Calculator

Mostly, the colleges award 3 credits. But, some of them award only 1 credit and others may have worth of 6. A single credit is marked by each hour of class lecture provided in a particular week. Tuition is not the sole cost. Few cost is also charged per semester.

Click here to check out Credit Calculators.

UTAR Credit Hour Calculator

The UTAR credit hour calculator is a tool which is used to calculate the student’s Semester Grade Point Average ( SGPA) and also Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). UTAR is actually University Tunku Abdul Rahman. The calculator is used by this university to calculate it’s grading system.

For calculating SGPA, one will have to enter the credits and the grades for the student’s current semester in the ‘this semester’ section. We need to leave the ‘Credits’ section empty for this simple average grade calculation.

To calculate the Cumulative GPA at the end of the ongoing semester, one needs to enter the prior Cumulative GPA and the earned credit values in the Prior Cumulative GPA area and thus click on ‘Calculate’ to receive the results.

Credit Calculator

Rice Credit Hour Calculator

Typically, a three semester credit hour course2 meets for three contact hours (three 50-minute sessions or two 75-minute sessions) per week for the 14 weeks of a semester. In total, the three semester credit hour course meets for 42 contact hours.

Generally, a 3 semester credit hour course meet up for 3 contact hours ( three 50-minutes sessions or even two 75-minute sessions) every week for a time span of 14 weeks in 1 semester. In totality, it permits the 3 semester credit hour course is equalised to 42 contact hours.

Credit Hour Study Calculator

In each 1 credit hour in which a student has enrolled him/her self, s/he will be spending about 2-3 hours outside of class studying. Thus to determine the course appropriation for the student, one will have to use the following calculation method.

Which is, 3 credit hours i.e. 1 course equalizes to 3 hours in class each week which again equals to 6-9 hours study time every week.

Similarly, 12 credit hours i.e. 4 courses equalizes to 12 hours in class each week which again equals to 24-36 hours study time every week.

The Full time students get themselves enrolled in 12-18 credit hours each semester while Part time enrols in 1- 11 credit hours each semester.

Thus, this is how credit hour study calculator works.

Quarter Credit Hour Calculator

Multiplication of 15 credit hours per quarters and 3 quarters each year equals to 45 credits a year. A 2-year program equalizes to 90 credits, a 4-year baccalaureate equals to 180 credits.

If we need to find out semester credits from quarter credits, we will have to convert the quarter credits to semester credits. The calculation will be that, dividing quarter credits by 1.5. For e.g. 5 quarter credits divided by 1.5 equals to 2 semester credits.

USF Credit Hour Calculator

University of South Florida or USF calculates in the credit hour in the same process that is 1 class hour equals to 3 credit hour offered by the University. To calculate the credit hour, one will just have to multiply the credits attempted with the class in one week.

Clock Hours To Credit Hours Calculator

The definition of credit hour and the credit/clock hour conversion rules serves us with 2 purposes, one is to know the program eligibility and another one is to know the award amount for the Federal Student Aid Programs.

Credit Calculator

In order to determine the total number of credit hours in a particular education program, a semester hour will need to have minimal of 37.5 hours of lectureship.

For determining whether the program meets the FSA standard for the least number of credit hours for the type of program, the formula which is discussed below will have to be used.

For a semester hour program, the specific number of clock hours in the credit hour program needs to be divided by 37.5.

This was all for this topic. Whether it has come to your any help or not, do let us know through your comment in that prescribed box. Thank you!

Source: Credit Hour Calculator

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